Monday 3 August 2015

Party Oligarchies:

The Invisible party oligarchies in African Democracies: The case of Uganda
The proverbial voter apathy in African “Democracies” can never surpass the attention of an ardent observer of African political cycles. A keen observer of African government regimes must have noted at one point or another disgusting manifestations of a rule by the irresponsible multitudes in the name of Democracies. Occurrences across the globe have indeed proved beyond doubt that Democracies are not only governments founded on mob-psychology but also a mere organization of opinion and propaganda which hides from the people their deficiencies and lures them into a false sense of equality. In the book “Money, Power and Politics”, Bryce would probably have included the Corruption dilemma in Kenya as one of the abuses of democracy as it is evident that bureaucracies in democracies are indeed an avenue for illicit gain and undue extravagance. However, it is not prudent to dwell on the known evils of democracy. This article examines Party politics in Africa, using a demonstrative case of Uganda. The case of Uganda as far as this subject is concerned is transferable to Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and South Africa just to name a few states. This article points to the harsh reality of Oligarchic Governments masked behind the veil of `ideal` Democracies through Political Parties.

In the paper(Upcoming)- Find out a critical analysis of National Resistance Movement(NRM-Uganda), African National Congress(ANC-S.Africa),Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM-Tanzania) , Rwandan Patriotic Front and Kenyas (KANU& TNA ) .