Wednesday 24 June 2015

The Enemies of National Growth & Development

A slim tarmacked road drives you to cosmopolitan Lang`ata area. From the roadside a lot can be understood by a first time Greek visitor .That the roads divides the area into two. The rich, elegant and classy suburb on your left and the the obviously impecunious , pauperised and destitute Kibera on the right. Politics never ceases to amaze me.

Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.This statement holds truth as far as recent incidences in Kenya are concerned. A cocoon of illiterate, malnourished,  and brainwashed Kibera slum dwellers who sweat blood to put food on a "stool" for their families missed their breakfast and absented themselves from work to burn a public toilet constructed by National Youth Service in Kibera. For ages, flying toilets have been a bother in Kibera. Imagine walking from your house heading to work and on your way you are hit by a nylon paper that explodes on your face full of shit.Oh, did I say shit really. Dirt would have been appropriate but no , its shit.

"Baba" ( Raila Odinga) has been abused in public. Imagine somebody coming to your home and abusing your father.What would you do?", a resident of Kibera was quoted saying.I have a few questions for Kiberains;

How many times has Raila Odinga put food on your stool in Kibera?
How many times did you see him sliding on the shit that lay around in Kibera before a public toilet was build for you?

For how long will you be used and be forced to dance to a withered tune like marionette puppets because of sheer loyalty that has not improved your society for the last 25 years within which Raila could have done something about Kibera?

Don`t you know that Kibera is actually an Urban-slum tourist destination where every foreigner wants to visit and see how "good" the destination looks? With all those mud-walled houses which are actually a competition in terms of development to Maasai Manyattas, Kibera is very "attractive".This is Raila`s Legacy for you Kiberians. 

One last thing before I open the floor for your misguided judgements and uninformed comments, when did you see Raila Odinga sleeping on the floor, uprooting the railway, throwing stones to destroy peoples property and looting?He belongs to a group of elites who basically would qualify to be the cream of society. You, and I repeat you, belong hindering your own development would qualify to a better class, more "respected" in the society, the scum of the society. This is the only class  that destroys infrastructure like railways and public toilets which was built using tax payers money.

Conclusions: The sad reality is that Raila will continue dining and living prestigiously with all the luxury he can afford like a king . No not like a King, he is the King of Kibera Kingdom or should we call it Kiberadom? You will continue living like destitute children while your " father " Bwana Tinga enjoys the warmth of his bed with his sweet dreams of presidency in 2017.In the meantime, brethren, kiberians and my good friends will continue fishing the banks of Nairobi river for greens to enable them push Ugali down their throats.Thank God, the shit alongside the river bank nourishes the greens. Long live Kiberadom.Long live "Baba".

Maina Munuhe.

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