Wednesday 22 July 2015

The Feminist War On Women
Lisette Muntslag

“The most awful thing that can happen to a person, is being uprooted from their natural habitat and considered less than an animal in a strange land.”

Feminists cry war on women. They advocate sex without responsibility. Anything and everything goes. If it feels good do it, if something goes wrong blame it on men? Under the guise of “a woman’s right to choose” feminists justify the killing of the unborn as a human right. Feminists demand equality for LGBT’s but government dependency for women with children. Feminists want to be free from oppression but they engage in the oppression of others.

I ran away from the social welfare system of Amsterdam, the Netherlands that had hijacked my life. I left without my daughter because I didn’t want to expose her to the uncertainty. After four years of living in the shadows in New York City, I was introduced to this ugly reality when I turned to Amsterdam. During my New York stint I was able to make my own decisions, be self-reliant and function normally. For the sake of my daughter, I decided to return but I ended right back in cruel clutches of this system of dependency. A bunch of tormenters employed by the government again tried to dictate my life. This time, I came up-close and personal with women who despised women with children.

Making my own decisions was out of the question, I had to be re-educated on how things worked in the Netherlands. That’s when I became aware that the “single women with children had to be in the kitchen” dependent on the government from the cradle to the grave was the milestone of Dutch feminism. I had already debunked the false notion that I was incapable of living my life without being dependent on the welfare system. Women from Suriname in the Netherlands, accepted this oppression and social exclusion as normal but to me it was not. Things began to unravel slowly but surely because I defied the authority these women who tried to dictate my life. My defiance resistance to this oppression turned me into persona-non-grata.

When I complaint about the abuse the city Ombudsman, Jewish feminist and member of the Dutch labor Party (PVDA) asserted that, “women in my position had no choice, I had to put up, shut up, accept my condition and be thankful that I had enough to eat, no other government in the world took such good care of people.” Feminist Hedy D’Ancona who was Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport for the same party ignored my complaint and did nothing. PVDA Minister of Interior Ien Dales , forwarded my complaint to Hugo Fernandes Mendes the director of “minority affairs” at that, but who again didn’t do a thing. They all belonged to the same party and call themselves Social Democrats.
Hell broke loose when I filed a sexual harassment complaint against a male feminist was covered up and exposed the hypocrisy of the female feminists.  They took the lead to intimidate and prevent me from taking this misconduct and violence against my person to the public. According to them “I didn’t have the right to jeopardize their financial interest, and nobody would believe a Surinamese woman like me, my life would never be safe if I appeared on national television  .” Like the said I had to put-up and shut-up. 

A couple of years later Angela Davis was invited to Amsterdam. I attended two of the meetings to listen to the black feminist perspective on women’s issues. When the women’s organizations representatives in attendance were asked about the position of women in the Netherlands, I was expecting to hear from the experts but the only thing that came out of their mouth was, “we want to attend the U.N. Conference on Women in Beijing but we don’t have the money.” Their silence about the condition of women in the Netherlands was very telling.

In the Netherlands, Philomena Essed who wrote Everyday Racism and  Gloria Wekker whose Politics of Passion in which she glorifies lesbianism as part of Afro-Surinamese culture, perpetuating the age old stereotype of women of African descent in the diaspora as one-dimensional brainless creatures and published by Columbia University press, are considered experts on women’s issues. Like Angela Davies these two experts share the same political ideology as their white counter parts, which influences government policy and wreaks havoc on the lives of other women who are not feminist.

Since I very busy in the private sector, I really missed what was happening in women’s movement in the United States the first time I was in exile. When I came back to New York in 1999, however, I began paying attention what was governing the land of the free and home of the brave. The incestuous and elitist atmosphere at the events I, attended during the U.N. "Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century" in New York City, made me very uncomfortable. I didn’t know what to make of it but soon after I applied for political asylum I began to detect things that were familiar. It was a very nerve wrecking time but I couldn’t turn back the clock.

When Pim Fortuyn broke the conspiracy of silence and challenged the multicultural apartheid and radicalization of Muslims in the Netherlands, he automatically put those women in the spotlight….the Social Democrats and feminist cadre immediately went into damage control mode. They used Hirsi Ali as their poster child to look good and discredit Pim Fortuyn, who in essence challenged the liberal establishment for using the welfare system as a means to enslave women with children. Calling Pim Fortuyn, a racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, right-wing extremist, fascist, Dutch Hitler and danger to minorities was very disturbing as I watched the drama unfold from a distance. But this article The liberal as oppressor and victim by Dutch author Bart Croughs enabled me to get a grasp on this dynamic that I was still trying to understand.
“The liberals play different roles at the same time. Some only play the role of victim: a black lesbian woman in a wheelchair for instance is a fourfold victim. Others only play the role of oppressor: a healthy white heterosexual male is a fourfold oppressor. Many liberals play both roles. A white woman for instance: as a woman she plays the role of victim, and as a white she plays the role of oppressor. Here we see two souls living in the same chest.” “There are also people who don't wish to play their predetermined role: they refuse to play the game. The man who is predetermined to play the role of oppressor, but refuses to play his part, is banned from the intellectual community. He is called 'reactionary' or 'fascist'.” “For instance: a white homosexual man who as a homosexual plays the role of victim, but refuses as a white male to play the role of oppressor. He is half good, half reactionary. The liberal gets very confused by this kind of person: they don't fit into his system.” “But the liberal gets really scared by the people who are predetermined to play the role of victim, but bluntly refuse to do so.”
Pim Fortuyn was assassinated in the Netherlands on May 6, 2002 because of his political opinion and 6 months later my appeal for asylum in the United States was sabotaged for the same reason. He challenged the oppression of minority women in the Netherlands and I applied for political asylum in the United States to be free from that oppression. Christina Hoff-Sommers Who Stole Feminism?: How Women Have Betrayed Women, gave me insight into the women’s movement in the United States….very creepy. The 2004 March for Women’s Lives in Washington D.C. brought me face-to-face with the extremism of women in the US. The hatred for women with children was on full display….protesters told me to my face that they didn’t want to be run over by women with children. “There were no violent incidents, despite the Washington Post's Hank Steuver referring to it as "aggressive and even occasionally, almost delightfully, profane."

This 2005 New York Times article, was a continuation of the damage control after the unconscionable betrayal of Pim Fortuyn. The article glorifies Hirsi Ali who became a Dutch citizen by asylum fraud because of the special rights the sexual organ obsessed feminists put place for their favorite “victim” group….if this Migrants from the former Dutch colony of Suriname were the problem immigrants of the 1970's, with high crime levels. Now they are classed among the success stories of Dutch immigration”, was true I would not be running away from the party, come to the United State and suffer the same indignities. Hirsi Ali who became a Dutch citizen by fraud had more legal protection in the Netherlands than I did thanks to the Social Democrats and the feminist cadre. She received her green card in a private ceremony months after Department of Homeland Security (USCIS) declared me to be a fugitive from the law who was evading sentencing. She became a U.S. citizen a week after (ICE) New York, threatened me with deportation. Confirming once again that in liberal democracy some lives are worth more than others and that freedom and liberty is only for some.

The Western world enabled Feminism to flourish into a corrupt and murderous cult, only interested in power and privileges for some women at the expense of others.
*The United Nations declared the Netherlands the number one country for gender equality in Europe.

* Hillary Clinton called “equal rights for women and girls the “great unfinished business of the 21st century.”  Who are the women and girls she is talking about? In the United States Hillary Clinton is considered the number one person to step up and advocate for the expansion of the unsustainable European style welfare state as explained in Uncle Sam’s Plantation by Star Parker that is already enslaving black women with children. In The Decline of Males, Lionel Tiger, posits the troubling paradigm which he labels “bureaugamy. A new trinity: a woman, a child, and a bureaucrat.”
As a mother of a beautiful daughter I am pro-family, in honor of the woman who brought me into this world. Since feminism doesn’t have my human dignity and well-being at heart, I should not be forced to pledge allegiance to this foreign and deviant agent of death and destruction. The slogan women’s right are human rights, is a hype to disguise the dictatorial women who pose as liberators of women while advocating everything that is adverse and detrimental to women who are not feminist.
Economic exploitation, oppression and enslavement through to the might of the government is the feminist war on women….!


Monday 13 July 2015

Contribution From My Readers: Gender Feminism Defined by Lisette Muntslag

"We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men." -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The origin of feminism can be traced back to the social changes in England and America in the 1800’s. Women who joined the first wave of feminism sought equal treatment and opportunity—to be recognized as human beings—not as property. In addition to seeking the vote, they campaigned against prostitution, child labor and the exploitation of the poor. This developing movement also contained a radical element that did not share a devotion to biblical principles. Feminists, such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, saw the Bible and Christianity as the real cause of women's oppression. Despite the early support of African American men such as Fredrick Douglass, suffragists like Stanton could not stomach the idea that black men might get the right to vote ahead of white women.
Stanton didn’t hesitate to voice her opinion that white women were superior to black men, and thus more deserving of the vote“….the white women who led this movement came to trade upon their privilege as thedaughters (sisters, wives, and mothers) of powerful white men in order to gain for themselves some share of the political power those men possessed. They did not adequately identify ways in which that political power would not be accessible to poor women, immigrant women, and black women.” Yet despite the blatant racism and class bias of the women’s suffrage movement, black women, discouraged and betrayed, continued to work for their right to vote, both as blacks and as women, through their own suffrage organizations.”
The theories that white women were both the same as and different than white men opened up new social and political roles for white women as “civilizers” of the race, strengthening longstanding beliefs in (white) women’s moral superiority. The effort to establish the United States as an empire, both domestically and abroad, fundamentally influenced the direction and content of white feminist thought in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. These twisted views marginalized the radicals from the women's movement—but their ideas did not die.
"Feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice." -- Ti-Grace Atkinson
The 1960s spawned the second wave of feminism and a return to radical ideas—that targeted marriage and the traditional family. Women were told that domestic roles were inferior and restrictive; raising children was domestic oppression. Betty Friedan, a former revolutionary-turned housewife, beckoned women to a brave new world outside the home. Her message found a receptive audience in a generation infatuated with freedom and discarding traditional values.
“The nuclear family must be destroyed….Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process.” — Linda Gordon
Besides gender, white women also used the concept of ‘race and racism’as the weapon of choice to wage a more potent and successful ideological war against their societies. In 1969, Gloria Steinempublished an article, "After Black Power, Women's Liberation," which brought her to national fame as a feminist leader: "Overthrowing capitalism is too small for us. We must overthrow the whole...patriarch!" Gloria Steinem. Bringing the “black power”women into the plot the radical feminists could eliminate some opposition and achieve their goals.
“Right at the start, it is important to realize that both terms “race” and “racism” are social designations with no factual bases. Genetically, humanity is from one common gene pool. Respect for the inherent dignity and well-being of each member of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. This important principle is enshrined in the United Nations Charter(1945), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(1948), inspired by the Constitution of the United States. “Psychologically, the practice of grouping people and ascribing its members with certain attributes is a form of generalization.”
By applying generalization, the person/radical feminist/ Marxist, liberal progressive dictator avoids the tedious and practically impossible task of treating each person individually. “Racism is the misuse of generalization that some human groups employ to their advantage, even with the full knowledge of its unjust and EVIL nature.” The Radical Feminist cabal wants me to believe that this trait is typical of the “White Christian Male.” The widely accepted buzz words are racist, poor,  black people hating, conservative, right-wing extremist, fascist or Nazi.
Searching for the truth led to amazing discoveries about this fraud perpetrated against humanity and taught me that your enemy is the one who asserts moral superiority by constantly telling you who your enemy is.
As Catharine A. MacKinnon prominent legal feminist scholar,University of Michigan, & Yale, said: “Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism.”
Marxism gave birth to the sinister collection of –isms that are now wreaking havoc on society and innocent human life worldwide. Radical gender feminism is pitting women against men at the detriment of women. The demands for equality and stop the violence against women campaigns arefocused on ‘white males’ as the main perpetrators of violence against women, while the obvious and insidious psychological violence against women and men by this perverted and tyrannical ideology is ignored….who is Hillary Clinton talking about when she say’s “Women Rights Are Human Rights”?....she is talking about white women because feminism is about the rights of, as Elizabeth Cady Stanton said ‘the superior sex’….white women! 
The media propaganda wants the unsuspecting public to accept today’s “feminism” as some moral and harmless women’s movement but "The totalitarian mind can reappear in some new and unexpected and seemingly innocuous and indeed virtuous form. [¶]... [I]t ... will [probably] put itself forward under the cover of a generous doctrine, humanitarian, inspired by a concern for giving the disadvantaged their fair share.” Jean Francois Revel, Democracy Against Itself (The Free Press 1993) pp. 250-251.
When we understand the demonic influence behind radical feminism, it is not surprising why the U.N. Conference on Women in Beijing (which promoted abortion, prostitution, child sex and pagan goddess worship) has been called" the most radical atheistic, anti-family crusade in the history of the world" (O'Leary, p. 173).
The above takes us into the mindset of radical feminists, since they are blatant in their extremism and quest for power nobody can claim “ wir haben es nicht gewusst”….we didn’t know about these  holier than thou predators of the “poor anddisadvantaged”….liberal progressive, double talking, racist anti-racist, equality demanding, thought policing, multicultural apartheid advocating, poverty pimping, race-hustling, dictatorial, charlatans posing as liberators…..
·        Elizabeth Cady Stanton saw the bible and Christianity as the real cause of (white) women’s oppression?
·        She didn’t like the idea that“black men” would get the right to vote in advance of white women?
·        White women are the civilizers of their race and therefore ‘morally superior’ to all.
·        In their quest for power and more privileges white feminist wage an ideological war against the ‘powerful men’ who are in fact their sons, brothers, husbands, Fathers.
·        Gender Feminism reduced men and women to a penis and vagina in name of political ideology.
·        Both men and women are equal because human dignity knows no gender, but the collectivist nature of feminism does not respect the inherent dignity of the individual.

(Kindly Note This is unedited response from Lisette- I am soliciting your opinion. Find out more about lisset on